Microsoft’s bid troubles Google

Of all the recent commentary about Microsoft’s bid to aquire Yahoo! the posting on Google’s official blog

Cost of Social Networks

Half of businesses are restricting employees’ access to social-networking site Facebook, due to concerns about productivity and security.

Should a businesss carry the cost of lost productivity and allow employees access to social networks ?

Can businesses benefit from employee use of social networks

Geotagging Made Easy

With a predicted four million cameras in the next 18 months to two years to come with embedded geotagging functionality the race is on to create practical and affordable technological solutions. Geotate thinks they have the answer…..

more from Webware >> 

What did you look for


Google have released their Zeitgeist 2007 to get a glimpse, as Google puts it, of what’s been on our collective consciousness this past year.

Germany to unlock the iPhone

Germany will join France in offering unlocked iPhones


Is Flickr Locating a Social Network?

Flikr have launched Places which is a mash up that produces a location profile . The profile pulls data from maps, weather, groups and individually tagged photos.

Is this the start of a Flickr creating a location based social network?


New Era for Stereoscopic 3D

The launch by Quantel at IBC in Sepember of their stereoscopic 3D editing package bought with it the opportunity to produce affordable 3D content.

Axis Post has become the first European post facility to add Stereoscopic 3D software to its Quantel Pablo iQ system. In a new alliance, the 3D Pablo will be installed at Concrete Post Production in Dean Street, Soho, London, UK.

Perhaps the investment by Philips in the devepment of its 3DWOW display panel will pay off now we can afford to start creating a catalogue of 3D content


simulated image of 3D on the 42″ Philips Wow Display

Unlocked iPhone

At last a reason to celebrate French law……..for all you would be iPhone owners. Under French law all mobile phones have to be offered unlocked, so that customers can use them on any network they wish – and that includes the iPhone.

more >>

Will Amazon re-Kindle interest in eReaders

It will be interesting to see if Amazon’s reported launch of their Electronic Reader called Kindle will be more successful than Sony’s attempt with their eReader launched back in January 2006. CEO Jeff Bezos will unveil the Kindle at a launch event in New York tonight.

CNET Kindle review >>

CNET Sony Portable reader review >>

More online tools from Adobe

Earlier this year, Adobe introduced Premiere Express, a free, Flash-based online video editor for creating mash-ups and remixes. Anyone using Photobucket, and YouTube’s TestTube site can use Premiere Express.


Adobe Systems now has announced that it will ship a beta version of its Photoshop Express online editing tool by the end of this year, with the full product to be complete sometime in 2008.

“By late this year, we anticipate having a beta version,” said John Loiacono, senior vice president for Adobe Creative Solutions, speaking at the 6sight digital imaging conference. And next year, the online service will be “available to anyone,” he said.